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Saturday, July 27, 2024

เรียนที่รัสเซีย ค่าเรียนประหยัดสุดๆ

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ค่าเรียนต่อปี เเพทย์ เภสัช ประมาณ 50,000 กว่าบาท

หมอฟันประมาณ 60,000 กว่าบาทต่อปี และ คณะอื่นๆมากมาย

ป.เอก ประมาณ70,000 บาทต่อปี


สนใจติดต่อ LINE ID: 0864167060

เรียนที่รัสเซีย ค่าเรียนถูกมากๆ


General Medicine (MBBS), Pediatrics (child medicine), Dentistry & Pharmacy

TUITION FEES (approx.)

1st year (language course) – $3400

Medicine (6 years) – $1680/ yr

Pediatrics (6 years) – $1640/ yr

Dentistry (5 years) – $1900/ yr

Medico-prophylactic (6 years) – $1640/ yr

Pharmacy (5 years) – $1640/ yr


Accommodation (Hostel only): $10 / month
Insurance – $80 / year
Registration – $20 / year
Living expenses (approx.) – $250 / month


Bachelor in Aeronautics & Aeronautical Engineering
1st year – $3800; 2nd – 5th year – $3000/ year

Bachelor in Architecture / Construction / Construction, Maintenance, Renewal and Technical Protection of Roads, Bridges and Tunnels
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 5th year – $1540/ year

Bachelor in Mechatronics and Robotics Technology
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 5th year – $1540/ year

Bachelor in Quality Management / System Analysis and Management / Agro-engineering
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 5th year – $1540/ year

Bachelor in Management / Economics / Business Informatics/ Commercial business / Economic Security / Jurisprudence
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 5th year – $1340/ year

Bachelor in International Relations / Advertising / Public Relations
1st year – $3470; 2nd – 5th year – $2000/ year

Bachelor in Software and administration of information systems / Applied Mathematics and Informatics / Computer Science and IT / Information Systems and Technologies / Applied IT / Program Engineering / Information Security of Telecommunication Systems / Information Security of Automated Systems
1st year – $3470; 2nd – 5th year – $1460/ year

Bachelor in Machine Building / Engineering Machines and Equipment / Engineering Support for Machine Building
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 5th year – $1540/ year

Bachelor in Biotechnology / Food technology of Vegetable Resources / Energy conservation and Resource saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology

1st year – $3410; 2nd – 5th year – $1540/ year

Bachelor in Petroleum Engineering
1st year – $3980; 2nd – 5th year – $2600/ year

Specializations to choose from:
•    Operation and Maintenance of Oil and Production Facilities.
•    Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Gas Condensate Production Facilities and Subsurface Storages.
•    Operation and Maintenance of Oil and Gas Facilities for Arctic Shelf.
•    Oil and Gas Well Drilling.
•    Operation and Maintenance of Facilities for Oil, Gas and Oil Products Transportation and Storage.
•    Construction and Maintenance of Pipeline Transportation Systems.

Bachelor in Radioelectronic Systems and Complexes  
1st year – $3470; 2nd – 5th year – $1460/ year

Bachelor in Restaurant service / Tourism
1st year – $3470; 2nd – 5th year – $1820/ year


Master in Architecture / Construction

1st year – $3410; 2nd – 3rd year – $1730/ year

Master in Electronics & Nanoelectronics

1st year – $3470; 2nd – 3rd years – $1500/ year

Master in Information Systems and Technologies / Applied IT / Program Engineering

1st year – $3470; 2nd – 3rd years – $1500/ year

Master in Management / Economics / HR / Jurisprudence / Psychology / State & Municipal management

1st year – $3470; 2nd – 3rd years – $1500 / year

Master in Quality Management / System Analysis and Management / Agro-engineering
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 3rd year – $1730/ year

Master in Commercial business / Advertisement and Public Relations
1st year – $3410; 2nd – 3rd year – $1610/ year

Master in Biotechnology / Food technology of Vegetable Resources / Energy conservation and Resource saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology

1st year – $3410; 2nd – 3rd year – $1730/ year

Master in Public Health

1st year – $4910; 2nd – 3rd years – $1900/ year

Master in Production Management in the Oil and Gas Industry

1st year – $3980; 2nd – 3rd years – $2800/ year

Master in Petroleum Engineering (Oil and Gas Well Drilling / Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation  / Construction and Maintenance of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storages / Hydraulics and Fluid Machinery (Resource-Saving during Equipment Operation of Pumping and Compressor Stations) / Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage)

1st year – $3980; 2nd – 3rd years – $2800/ year


PhD in Fundamental Medicine (Pathological Anatomy / Pathological physiology / Pharmacology / Clinical Pharmacology)

1st year – $3470; 2nd – 4th years – $2550/ year

PhD in Clinical Medicine (Cardiology / Traumatology and Orthopedics / Surgery)

1st year – $3470; 2nd – 4th years – $2550/ year

PhD in Computer and Information Sciences (Computer Science and Engineering / Information Security) / Electronics, Radio-Engineering and Communication Systems / Photonics, Instrument Engineering, Optical and Biotechnical Systems and Technologies / Machine Building / Chemical Industry Technologies / Materials Technologies

1st year – $3470; 2nd – 4th years – $2210/ year





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